Monday, August 1, 2011

A Little Late....Weight Loss Goal #4 Down

Well, yesterday was my weigh in day.  After we got back from camping I weighed 209 lbs.  {feeling sheepish}  I ate way too much, but I did only have 1 1/2 pops/day.  The food was soo good. Although I can tell I've been eating a different diet because junk food just didn't set well with me at all. LOL 

But I weighed in yesterday at 205.2 lbs!  I am officially down 25 lbs.  I already celebrated with my reward.  A soak in Mom & Dad's hot tub.  Boy did it feel good. 

Now Goal #5:

200 lbs by August 15.  {I have not weighed 200 lbs since October 2008}. 

I figure it's about time I buy a new pair of jeans.  Not a very expensive pair since I've got a lot more to lose, but I only have 1 pair of long jeans and they're getting too loose and have a hole in the seam of the leg.  

How I'm gonna get there:

We're going to start walking again.  Tonight we're going to do one time around the lake at Jensen's Grove just to get back in the swing of things.  
I'm also back to watching calories.  1500-1600 calories/day.  

When I reach that goal. I'm going to take an updated pic.  Lots of people have noticed I've lost weight. Funny thing is I don't see it. LOL I guess that's the way it is.  It is very flattering though and it motivates me to keep going.  

I am making a difference in my life.  Not just in the way I look {that's just a nice bonus}, but in my health too.  I've doing lots better at taking my meds. Only missed a couple days last month.  I just keep telling myself I need to do this or I won't be around to watch my kids grow up to be adults. I let it get too far and that will not happen again.  

200 lbs....Here I come!!